Inspiring Girls to Conquer the World… or just Theirs…

Posts tagged ‘Summer Camp’

Cat Zohar presenting at the First Girls Club Summer Camp

The First Girls Club Summer Camp is Celebrating their 10 Year Anniversary

I’m very pleased to make the announcement that I will be appearing at the First Girls Club Summer Camp this summer during each of their three camp sessions as a special guest speaker!

The First Girls Club is “A summer camp where girls can be girls”.  This year marks their 10 year anniversary, so I’m very excited to be apart of the celebration and festivities!

All of the activities at FGC Summer Camp take place on the beautiful grounds of University of Miami. Each day at FGC consists of meaningful hands-on structured activities that will further instill discipline along with a passion for the arts. Each girl participates in different activities daily within their age group.  FGC brings together girls ages 4-11 to participate in dance, arts and crafts, musical theatre, cooking, swimming, outdoor activities–and now these young ladies will be exposed to the martial arts–thanks to The Karate Princesses Program girls can now feel special saying “Girls do Karate, Too!”

My presentation will consist of teaching these little ladies that their voices are powerful, their self-image matters most, and it’s never okay for someone to make them feel anything less than a Princess! Too often girls fall into the trap of being mistreated just because of their kind-hearted, generous dispositions.  I want every Princess living in Miami to know how to protect themselves, not just with the physical safety-know-how, but also with the mental-toughness of making positive choices that improve their confidence and self-esteem so they make better decisions throughout their lives.  I want them to know that they are capable of pursuing anything they want to do, even if someone tells them they can’t, just by having the courage to try.

Through interactive and engaging exercises the girls follow along and participate in a fast-paced 45-minute lesson.  By the end of the session they will be inspired to conquer the world…or just theirs!

If you have a group of girls you would like to share this presentation with, please call me at 440-292-5456 and we can discuss available dates and applicable fees.