Inspiring Girls to Conquer the World… or just Theirs…

Archive for the ‘Vents’ Category

Bad Guys Beware!

Bad Guys Are Everywhere

There are a few topics that just tear my heart apart and make me want to scream.  One is child predators.  The others… well I’m sure with time you’ll hear about them.  Anyone that can be such a sick individual that gains pleasure from harming a child should be banned from society.  If only there was a way to actually do that…

If you haven’t heard, this is the story I’m referring to that occurred here in Miami… Man nearly rapes 4 year old.  This is exactly the kind of thing I’m on an irrepressible mission to prevent.  I formed the Karate Princesses Program with the intention of gaining awareness and safety training for young girls.  Sure, we wear pink, but the color of our uniform doesn’t make our techniques any less effective!

A lot of people say how can a small, petite framed girl protect herself from a big strong guy?  Well that’s a great question, but it’s rather simple to answer… If you’ve ever held a baby who didn’t want to be held any longer, even they have the power to break free.  By the age of 3 and 4, when properly instructed on how and where to hit and strike, it doesn’t take much to break free and get to safety.  However if someone is never taught those skills, of course they wouldn’t be able to get help.  Nothing is ever 100%, however I feel a lot better knowing that my little Princesses have an added advantage knowing how to set verbal boundaries if someone approaches them, how to actually strike in the proper areas quickly and with as much power as their little bodies can produce, and the know-how to avoid most dangers before they begin.

Everyone has a built-in defense mechanism that keeps them safe… it’s getting girls in touch with listening to those feelings they get, and not silencing them when they need to express themselves.  It’s also educating the parents of my Princesses’ that if your child ever tells you they don’t feel comfortable around a particular person or someone gives them a bad feeling, you respect that and look into the matter further.  My martial arts training has taught me a person’s safety is always more important than another person’s feelings.